It is a fact that women try to find ways of getting rid of unnecessary hair but the road to smooth skin free from hair is often full of pitfalls and women’s methods like waxing, shaving, epilating, threading and other means can be very painful. No longer will you have to go through agony with these temporary solutions because Laser Hair Removal technology has seen the end of this.
Remember when your friends organized a surprise dinner for you? Moreover how had intended on dressing in that amazing sleeveless dress? Also remember when you realized that it was impossible?
This happened because your natural treatment failed. You will never allow unwanted body hair spoil a special occasion. Waxing, threading, bleaching or depilatory creams are temporal solutions for unwanted hair. What if there was an option to leave all those short-term removal methods and use something permanent instead? By Sarayu’s Laser Hair Removal in Delhi, you no longer need to live with unsightly body hair as we offer you the best way out for attaining the smoothest and most attractive look ever. Click here if you want more information about why laser wins over shaving.
It was entirely because your wax technique had let you down. How will you ever allow yourself to be shamed by unwanted body hair on a special occasion? Waxing, threading, bleaching and depilatory creams are only temporary remedies for removing hair. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could throw away these transient methods of getting rid of hairs and replace them with something that has a lasting effect? Now with Sarayu’s Laser Hair Removal in Delhi, you can have the smooth skin without any hair that you crave so much.
It happens when dark pigment cells within the hair follicles cause excessive hair growth. It is important to note that laser therapy cannot remove 100% of the hair permanently from the skin as a number of patients expect after treatment. How does laser therapy work? The light energy from the laser converts into heat at its target area causing specific damage to the surrounding tissue. Laser selectively targets melanin in your skin’s pigmented areas such as brown spots, freckles, sunspots or age spots leaving other areas of your skin untouched. The process for treating smaller parts may take approximately 15 minutes while larger parts like legs may last up to one hour.
With regard to pain or discomfort during this procedure how would you rate it on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being extremely uncomfortable)? What should I do before treatment? Before treatment begins, you’ll receive an evaluation by one of our professionals who’ll determine whether or not it is safe for you to undergo the process and provide guidance on how many sessions may be necessary for best results. Are there any pre-treatment recommendations? You should avoid plucking, waxing or electrolysis because these will remove the roots making laser treatment less effective; shaving however, is permissible. If you have a dark skin color, which medications do you take? It’s important to understand that melanin in your skin can absorb laser light hence suitable medication or products should be used to maintain the healthy melanin in your skin. The process may also not be favorable if you are taking medication that increases photosensitivity because it may increase the possibility of complications; therefore, the medical specialist needs to know all the drugs you are using. How many sessions will I need? However, this can only tell by considering a number of factors including hair color and type among others.